Hampton Roads/NE North Carolina Schedule

Click here to register online for testing

March – July 2025
(Test dates based on proctor availability)

Individual Testing

Individual testing information for this coming spring and summer can be found below.  Notice the graduated payment scale.  Don’t wait to register!  Late registration causes administrative difficulties and takes time from my family.  Please help me out by getting registrations and full payments in as early as possible. Early payments will also help you by reducing your cost. If you want the best prices, register and pay early!  You may register and pay online!  If you would like to register via snail mail and pay by check, send registration forms and checks payable to Sarah Olbris at the address on the registration letterhead.  After your registration and payment have been received, you will be contacted about confirming a time, date, and place for your child’s testing.

Evaluations and Individual Tests – Evaluations and private tests will be conducted in March through July based on proctor availabity.  The price for my service doubles for any dates prior to March or after July; therefore, make your appointment as soon as possible by sending your $30 deposit to hold your place.  No appointments will be scheduled without a payment of at least $30.  Prices will be as follows:

Assessment Type Cost if paid in full in Jan-Mar. Cost if paid in full in April Cost if paid in full in May Cost if paid in full in June Cost if paid in full in July Scheduled
– February
Evaluation $145 $155 $165 $175 $185 $370
Woodcock-Johnson IV (tests 1-6) $145 $155 $165 $175 $185 $370
Academic Achievement Battery (AAB) $145 $155 $165 $175 $185 $370
Portfolio $145 $155 $165 $175 $185 $370
Brigance $145 $155 $165 $175 $185 $370
WRAT $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $240


  • We allocate 1 hour for the WRAT and 2 hours for the WJ, AAB, and evaluations.  (The Brigance may take longer.) If your child needs additional time to complete the test, we need to know in advance for scheduling purposes and we will charge $60 per additional hour of testing.
  • $30 of the test fee is non-refundable
  •  If you change your appointment after you have received confirmation, there will be a rescheduling fee of $40 per person.

I am privileged to have awesome proctors that work with me.  Since my time is limited, please do not be offended if I ask you to allow one of my assistants to do the assessment.  If I didn’t think they would do a great job with your child, I would not ask them to help me in this way.  (I also promise not to be offended if you request one of them instead of me!)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 757-456-9659 (office).  If I do not answer, please leave a message on the answering machine and someone will return your call as soon as possible. If you are frustrated during any part of the process, please feel free to email me at sarah@thetestinglady.com. and I will address it as soon as possible.

Just a reminder – Parents, you are responsible to send in your children’s test scores to the appropriate school system.  I will not send test scores to anyone but you.