Math Classes

Summer 2023

Dear Parents and Students,

Thank you for your interest in taking math classes. Listed below are the classes I will be teaching at this year.  The schedule and cost of each class is listed below.  I will also require a $15/class/year supply fee. The class fees are due on the first day of class each month.  Please do not get behind in your payments. If payment is late by one week or more, a late fee of $15 will be charged.

This year’s schedule is as follows:

Class Days Time *Online cost/month
Algebra I Wednesdays 1:30-3:30 pm $55
Algebra II ** Wednesdays 11 am – 1 pm $55
Pre-Calculus ** Wednesdays 9 – 11 am $55

*Note 1 – If you need in-person classes, please let me know.  The class time will remain the same.

**Note 2 – Algebra II and Pre-Calculus can be taken for dual enrollment college credit through Faith Bible College.  Please contact Faith Bible College for the dual enrollment credits at 757-423-2095.

Classes begin on Wednesday September 11 and will finish hopefully by the end of April.  All classes are being held on Zoom. An invitation to join the class will be sent to the email address on your registration.

Scheduled Class Breaks:

Fall Break Thanksgiving Break Christmas Break Spring Break Last Class
Oct. 23 Nov. 27 Dec. 19 – Jan. 3 TBA TBA

Our schedule for inclement weather is dependent on electricity.  If everyone has power, we have class whether the roads are clear or not because all classes can meet on Zoom that day.

Please be prompt with your arrivals and departures for class.  Your late arrival will be disruptive to the class. Some classes may be shortened depending on the material covered.

Parents, please discuss proper classroom behavior with your child/children prior to the first class.  If your student is disruptive, they will be warned and you will be advised of the situation.  If they continue to be disruptive they will not be allowed to complete the course with me.

Dress code is an issue that I would rather not deal with, but . . . bottom line, please dress modestly and don’t show us anything you may be embarrassed about me telling you that I don’t want to see.

Class Structure – We will need to cover 2-4 sections each week in order to finish most of the book by the end of April.  This means that students are responsible for making up any work missed.  All classes will have take-home quizzes, tests, and exams.  These are to be administered by the parent.  Tests and exams are NOT open book/open notes.  Tests will be due within 2 weeks after they are assigned.  Late tests will have a mandatory 10-point deduction.  The only exceptions to this will be at the discretion of the teacher.  Parents, please do not help your students with the tests; this should be a reflection of what the student has learned.  All work must be shown on tests.  Points will be taken off for work not shown.  Points will also be taken off for work done in ink.

All missed work is due at the next class the child attends.  We will not alter the class schedule because of incomplete or missed homework assignments.  Please make sure your student has all necessary class materials to insure that they can successfully participate in class.

I grade on a 10 point grade scale (i.e. 90-100-A, 80-89-B, etc.).  Although some time will be allotted during each class, students are expected to do quite a bit of the homework assignments on their own.  Whatever they have difficulty comprehending, they are expected to ask about it prior to the next class or contact me to get council over the phone, via text messaging, or Zoom – DO NOT call the night before your class! (That tells me somebody waited until the last minute to do the assignment…).

          Parent responsibilities

  • Make sure that your child’s homework is complete and ready for the next class. A list of homework assignments will be given to your child.  “Complete homework” means that all of the assignment is done and each problem shows the original problem, all work is shown, and an answer is given.  (Please use the Solutions Manuals to correct homework assignments.)  Pre-Algebra will check homework in class.
  • Parents will also be responsible for administering untimed, closed book tests and exams.
  • Be sure your child knows how to get on and use Zoom.  This will be helpful for tutoring sessions, bad weather, or any time the student cannot physically attend class due to illness, no ride, etc.  I will send the Zoom link to all registered students before the 1st class so be sure to fill out a registration form and send it to me BEFORE the first class.

          Student’s responsibilities – Show up to each class on time and prepared (see below).

  • All homework and tests must be completed and turned in on time. They must be in pencil, and all steps and the final answers must be shown (except scrap work).  Points will be taken off for work not done in regular pencil, not shown, and/or turned in late.
  • Tests and quizzes may be emailed or snail mailed. Do not text pictures of the work unless I specifically ask you to text it to me.  If they are emailed, the copies must be scanned in and sent as a CLEAR (Scanned attachments are MUCH clearer than taking a picture with a phone and attaching it to the email.)
  • If you do not understand how to do a particular problem, it is your responsibility to get with me before, during, or after class. My cell phone number is best. It is 757-478-6886.  Please call/text me between classes if any problems should arise – NOT on the night before your class if it is a problem with your homework.  We will not hold up the progress of the class because you are not prepared.
  • Please call/text me between classes if any problems should arise – NOT on the night before your class if it is a problem with your homework. We will not hold up the progress of the class because you are not prepared.
  • Please sign in on Zoom on time for class. Help your parents in this matter by getting things ready for class the night before and helping your sibling(s) get ready on time (if applicable).
  • Make sure that you are dressed appropriately.
    Online student’s responsibilities
  • All homework and tests must be completed and turned in on time. They must be in pencil, and all steps and the final answers must be shown (except scrap work).  Points will be taken off for work not done in regular pencil, not shown, and/or turned in late.  Tests and quizzes may be emailed or snail mailed.  If they are emailed, the copies must be scanned in and sent as a CLEAR attachment.
  • If you do not understand how to do a particular problem, it is your responsibility to get with me before, during, or after class.
  • Please call/text me between classes if any problems should arise – NOT on the night before your class if it is a problem with your homework. We will not hold up the progress of the class because you are not prepared.
  • Sign in to the online class program on time for class. (Send a registration to me so that I can provide the Zoom link to you.)
  • Make sure that you are dressed appropriately.

Class Supply List:

Class Textbook Rental Supplies
Algebra I Algebra I: A Fresh Approach, by Christy Walters 2016 edition

Algebra 1 Even Problems Solution Manual, 2016 edition

$70 with a portion refunded upon return Textbook, solutions manual, notebook, sharpened pencils with erasers, graph paper for Ch. 8, a great attitude and willingness to learn. (The test bank is not necessary because I will email the tests to the parent.)
Algebra II Algebra II: A Fresh Approach, by Christy Walters

ISBN 978-0-9845832-2-5

Algebra II: Even Problems Solutions Manual

$70 with a portion refunded upon return Textbook, solutions manual, notebook, sharpened pencils with erasers, graph paper for/by Chapter 8, scientific calculator, great attitude and willingness to learn.  OPTIONAL (because we won’t use them much): TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, or TI-84 Plus Silver graphing calculator and manual, or the scientific calculator on your cell phone.  (The test bank is not necessary because I will email the tests to the parent.)
Pre-Calculus Straight Forward Math Series – Pre-Calculus, published by Garlic Press available through Remedia Publishers


$20 (consumable) Textbook, notebook, sharpened pencils with erasers, graph paper for Chapter 5, graphing calculator and manual (see Alg. II above), the ability and technology to get on Zoom, a great attitude and willingness to learn.

If you have any questions, please contact me at either of the following: office 757-456-9659 or cell 757-478-6886 (best).   Parents, please make sure your student reads this letter and you send a registration form to me before classes begin!